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FEPA Intermediate Emergency Management Academy 2019
The 2019 FEPA Intermediate Emergency Management Academy will be held March 10 -15, 2019 at Camp Blanding, Starke, Florida. This course is a 6 plus day intensive Emergency Management professional development experience and includes fundamental basics with practical applications and course work related to the principles of Emergency Management. The Academy covers more than 70 hours of classroom instruction and graduates complete FEMA training courses which count toward completion of the FEMA Advanced Professional Series certification. The students endure 12-14 hour days simulating real life emergency deployment and response. Pre-course webinars will be conducted to prepare students for the Academy. Students will bunk and eat at Camp Blanding for the duration of the course.
Recommended Audience: Current or pending employment in Emergency Management or a related field, with a maximum time in emergency management not to exceed three years is recommended. Representatives of Emergency Management partnering agencies are encouraged to participate.
Pre-Requisites: Participants must complete ICS 100, 200, 300, 700, and 800 prior to attendance. To maximize their professional development opportunity, participants should complete the FEMA Professional Development Series of training prior to attendance.
Classroom Training at the Intermediate Academy: While at the Intermediate Academy students complete course work in two Advance Professional Series courses, G-191 ICS/EOC Interface and
G-272 Warning Coordination.
Registration: The registration fee for the 2019 Intermediate Academy is $300 for FEPA members and $400 for non-members and includes all meals and lodging at Camp Blanding during the course. A reduced registration is available for full-time degree seeking students not already employed in an emergency management field. Please use the FEPA 2019 Academy Registration Form to apply. All registrations will be completed through FEPA.
Use the button below to access the Academy registration form and payment options.