FEPA Student Membership
The Benefits of your FEPA Student Membership
The FEPA Student Membership Category is specifically designed for individuals dedicated to pursuing a full-time emergency management course of study at a higher education institution. To be eligible for this category, individuals must not be already employed in an emergency management related field.
Student Membership:
Qualification - Any full time degree seeking student in an emergency management related field; not currently employed full time in an emergency management or other public safety position.
Why Join – Membership in the Florida Emergency Management Preparedness Association (FEPA) provides students the ability to begin to build a professional portfolio, stay up to date on the latest emergency management issues and work alongside the top emergency management professionals in Florida.
Pathway to Professional Certification – Professional certifications are highly regarded in most careers and occupations. They help showcase professional expertise among peers and hiring managers. FEPA provides Florida's only peer reviewed Emergency Management professional certifications as outlined below:
Florida Professional Emergency Manager (FPEM)
Florida Associate Emergency Manager (FAEM)
Florida Emergency Management Volunteer (FEMV)
Health Care Emergency Management Certification (FAEM-HC/FPEM-HC)
Florida Master Instructor (FMI)
Florida Intermediate Instructor (FII)
Florida Basic Instructor (FBI)
Your membership in FEPA provides you with access to experts in the FEPA Certification Program as well as participation in FEPA meetings and events to assist you in meeting the requirements of the credential.
Stay informed – Members are kept up-to-date on the latest developments in the Emergency Management Profession. As a member you will receive FEPA’s newsletter, published quarterly, providing timely information on current emergency management initiatives, legislative issues and agency news at the local, state and federal levels. The FEPA website (www.fepa.org) is updated on a weekly basis.
Get Involved - As a student member you can actively engage with professional emergency managers by joining a FEPA committee or working group. This not only helps build your network, but gives you real world expertise.
Cost - FEPA wants to help ease the burden of transitioning from Emergency Management academics to the Emergency Management career field. As part of this commitment, FEPA charges students $25 annually and often provides student discounts for meetings and other training opportunities.